Month: February 2007


    Happy Valentines Day!



  • YES!!!  We just crashed Vista!

    After being installed less than a day, we already crashed Explorer! 

    My life has now been fulfilled. 

    Seriously, this makes me so happy.  LOL.

  • Arrrrggg!  I never want to see another physics textbook ever again!

    You want to know why?  Here's why.

    A day in the life:

    7:00 - Alarm goes off

    7:45 - Finally roll out of bed

    8:30ish - Leave for school

    9:15 - Arrive at school

    9:30 - 10:20 - Math 126, Calculus III

    10:30 - 11:29 - Help out in International Tea Time

    11:30 - 12:20 - English 270, Professional Business Writing

    12:30 - 2:20 - Physics 122, Calculus based Physics II.  Got minor electrical burns on the back of my right hand from lab, but it was so much fun that it was worth it!

    2:20 - 3:30 - Work on physics homework in the Science Study Center with about eight other guys

    3:30 - 4:27 - More physics homework

    4:30 - Science Study Center closes.  In two hours, all of us working together only completed one and a half problems

    4:30 - 5:30 - Five of us go to the C-lounge and do more physics homework

    5:30 - 6:30 - Still working on physics homework

    6:30 - 7:45 - Want to take a guess?  Yep, still even more physics homework

    7:45 - Other guys leave.  It took us five hours and fifteen minutes, working together, to complete six physics problems, which was many times faster than it would have taken any one of us working alone!

    7:45 - 7:59 PM - I go upstairs to say hi to anyone who's left in ASG before I head for home.

    7:59 - Leave for car

    8:04 - Throw my nearly forty pounds of books into the car, which is on the 4th level of the parking garage and leave for home

    8:40 - Finally walk in the front door

    And now, as soon as I finish typing this, I will go and study even more physics, probably till about 10:30 or 11:30, and then go to bed.  I haven't even had time to get to my calc or writing homework today.  Altogether, I think that  I had maybe a total of 25ish minutes of free time to actually visit with people.

    The sad thing is, for the last couple quarters, this has pretty much been my life.  Normally I have the 10:30 hour free to visit or study (depending on what's due for classes), and I usually will spend one to two hours after classes are out catching up with friends.  And normally, the majority of my afternoon and/or evening is spent in the tutoring center, usually in the math lab, rather than working on physics. (And that brings up another point - I've been asked multiple times, by both professors and other tutors, to be both a math tutor and a writing tutor.  I'd like to do both, in fact I already have the paperwork filled out so that I'm approved, I just have yet to find time to actually do it.)  But other than that, this pretty much defines my schedule day in and day out.

    So now, I shall hit the "save changes" button so that all of you can read about my wonderful life, and then I shall crack open that horrid physics book once again.

    I hope you've all enjoyed the tour of my life. 


    "A paradox is not two places to park a boat" - Hutch
    "Nothing is a zero with the rim kicked off." - Hutch
    "I can't deal with emotional computers!" - Braum
    "In order to actually walk in lowliness, gentleness, and longsuffering, you have to know who you are and Whose you are." - Sean Chandler

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